Friday, May 22, 2020

C++20 ❤️ SQL


A thin, typesafe SQL wrapper in C++20

For data accessing databases, SQL is the champ. It is cross-platform and cross database. There is a ton of information online, and you can probably find an SQL snippet to do almost anything.

In addition, SQL has a nice property, in that you can typically develop and debug it an interactive manner by using the database environment. You can quickly run a query, and check that you are getting the expected result. The REPL(read, eavaluate, print loop) makes for quick development.

Now that we have a working SQL query. How do we get it into C++. There are a whole host of existing solutions. However, they often fall short in a few areas:

  • Typesafe SQL columns and parameters. We would like compile time typesafety when we are reading the results and when we bind parameters to our parameterized queries.

  • Be able to copy and paste working SQL without too much modification and with no external code generators.

  • No macros

C++20 provides us with improved compile time features that can allow us to accomplish these goals.

The code can be found here:

tagged_sqlite.h is a single self-contained header with no depedencies other than the C++ standard library and SQLite.

example.cpp is an example program.

Note: This is not an officially supported Google library.

Also, it is only at a proof of concept state, and not ready for use in production.

Currently, only GCC 10 supports enough of C++20 to be able to use the library

The library lives in the skydown namespace, with the user defined literals in skydown::literals.

To illustrate, let us do a quick customers and orders database.

Assume we have the following tables from SQL:

CREATE TABLE customers(
      name TEXT NOT NULL"
    item TEXT NOT NULL, 
    customerid INTEGER NOT NULL,
    price REAL NOT NULL, 
    discount_code TEXT 

Now we want to find all the orders that are above a certain price and join them with the customerΓÇÖs name.

SELECT, name, item, price, 
      FROM orders JOIN customers ON = customerid 
      WHERE price > 100;

This will give us a list of of orders.

Now in a program, we want to be able to specify our minimum price at runtime, instead of hard coding.

The temptation would be to use string substitution. However, that is the wrong answer, as it opens you up to all sorts of SQL injection attacks. Instead you want to do parameterized queries.

SELECT, name, item, price, 
      FROM orders JOIN customers ON = customerid 
      WHERE price > ?;

This is the syntax for a parameterized query that we use with a prepared statement. Then we just bind the value we want to our parameter and execute the statement.

Now let us see what the code looks like to do this query and get the results.

      "SELECT, name:text, item:text, price:real, "
      "discount_code:text? "
      "FROM orders JOIN customers ON = customerid "
      "WHERE price > ?min_price:real;"

Here we are constructing an object of template class skydown::prepared_statement passing our SQL query as the template parameter.

However, if we look closely at the query string, we will notice it is slightly different from the SQL string.

Instead of, in the SQL string, we have Also, instead of ? for the parameters, we have ?min_price:real

What is going on here?

Turns out, if we can just annotate the resulting columns with types, and the parameters with names and types, we can have nicely named and typed input and output for the query, and treat the rest of the query as a black box.

The library uses those annotations to construct tags with types for parameters and fields.

Prior to sending the query to the SQL engine, it strips out the annotations.

This allows us to not have to care about the internals of what the SQL statement is doing. We just care about the inputs (which are the annotated parameters) and the outputs(which are the annotated selected columns).

Here is the list of currently supported types:

  • :text ==> std::string_view
  • :integer ==> std::int64_t
  • :real ==> double

You can add a ? to the end of the type to make it std::optional For example :real? would map to std::optional<double>.

Let us see how we use this in our C++ code.

for (auto &row :
        select_orders.execute_rows("min_price"_param = 100)) {
    std::cout << row[""_col] << " ";
    std::cout << row["price"_col] << " ";
    std::cout << row["name"_col] << " ";
    std::cout << row["item"_col] << " ";
    std::cout << row["discount_code"_col].value_or("<NO CODE>") << "\n";

Here we are calling the execute_rows member function of our select orders object, passing in the parameters. _param is a user defined string literal in namespace skydown::literals. If a parameter is not specified, or an incorrect string is used, or if an incorrect type is used, you will get a compile time error.

In our query for select_orders we had ?min_price:real so if we assign a value "min_price"_param that cannot be converted to a double we will get a compile time error.

We use a range for loop to iterate ther eturned rows. _col is another used defined string literal, and we index the row object using the string literal. Again, if we have the wrong name, it is a compile time error. In addition, the returned values have the correct type according to our annotated SQL statement.

  • ==> std::int64_t
  • price:real ==> double
  • name:text ==> std::string_view
  • item:text ==> std::string_view
  • discount_code:text? ==> std::optional<std::string_view>

What happens, if we mess up and type the wrong column name.

To see what happens, I changed discount_code to discount_core in the following expression:

    std::cout << row["discount_core"_col].value_or("<NO CODE>") << "\n";

I get a compiler error which includes the following output.

1>C:\Users\johnb\source\repos\cpp-from-the-sky-down\cpp20_sql\tagged_sqlite.h(220,16): message : template argument deduction/substitution failed:
1>C:\Users\johnb\source\repos\cpp-from-the-sky-down\cpp20_sql\tagged_sqlite.h(228,20): message : 'skydown::sqlite_experimental::fixed_string<13>{"discount_core"}' is not equivalent to 'skydown::sqlite_experimental::fixed_string<9>{""}'
1>C:\Users\johnb\source\repos\cpp-from-the-sky-down\cpp20_sql\tagged_sqlite.h(228,20): message : 'skydown::sqlite_experimental::fixed_string<13>{"discount_core"}' is not equivalent to 'skydown::sqlite_experimental::fixed_string<4>{"name"}'
1>C:\Users\johnb\source\repos\cpp-from-the-sky-down\cpp20_sql\tagged_sqlite.h(228,20): message : 'skydown::sqlite_experimental::fixed_string<13>{"discount_core"}' is not equivalent to 'skydown::sqlite_experimental::fixed_string<4>{"item"}'
1>C:\Users\johnb\source\repos\cpp-from-the-sky-down\cpp20_sql\tagged_sqlite.h(228,20): message : 'skydown::sqlite_experimental::fixed_string<13>{"discount_core"}' is not equivalent to 'skydown::sqlite_experimental::fixed_string<5>{"price"}'
1>C:\Users\johnb\source\repos\cpp-from-the-sky-down\cpp20_sql\tagged_sqlite.h(228,20): message : 'skydown::sqlite_experimental::fixed_string<13>{"discount_core"}' is not equivalent to 'skydown::sqlite_experimental::fixed_string<13>{"discount_code"}'

Notice how it is is showing us the typo, discount_core and showing us the actual columns:, name, item, price, discount_code.

Next time, we will talk a bit more about using the library, and start looking at some of the techniques used in implementing it.

If you want to play with this code, you can just compile example.cpp with g++10 and link to sqlite3.

One of the nice things about this kind of approach, is that the library can be agnostic to the actual SQL. This allows it to be relatively small (around 600 lines of code, about half of which is interfacing to SQLite3) as well as be able to support all the features of a database, because we are just passing in SQL to be executed by the engine.

In addition, because the SQL query is a compile time string, you cannot get runtime SQL injection attacks.

Right now, only SQLite is supported, but I plan on separating out SQLite from the library and supporting multiple databases such as MySQL and Postgres SQL.

Please feel let me know what you think in the comments.

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